UPDATED 08/28/2024

From time to time, dues realignments are necessary to capture contract wage increases, promotional increases, and true-ups for miscalculated or incorrectly submitted amounts. 


In 2022 I had the honor of helping two member-led committees negotiate bikeshare contracts. The negotiations with BTS in L.A. and BLMB on the Facebook campus led to two strong contracts. They have good pay increases and protections for the health and safety of the workers. These contracts will also be significant for us moving forward. The improvements we won in those negotiations can and will be brought to new ones in the future. The Motivate contract will end early 2024 and negotiations will begin in May of this year. We need to stick with what worked in the past, a strong committee led by the members and a commitment to improving the contract in all facets.

Another big lesson from 2022 is that the contract has to be enforced if it’s to be effective. We have pushed many cases to arbitration in an effort to show Motivate we won’t back down if we see them violating the contract. One such case involves P.P.E. and proper winter and rain attire for the safety and protection of our members. This grievance was initially filed by Ed Avilles in NY, and has been an ongoing issue with Motivate throughout 2022. Not only must management agree to do the right they need to implement and act. Actions must follow words.